
2013年8月1日 星期四

豬彈筆記 [EN] 10 Reasons You’re Not Rich Yet



Source:Yahoo Finance

As a financial advisor, I have spent many years helping other people overcome financial stumbling blocks so they can become rich. Ironically, the one person I have had the most trouble helping is myself. 
Being “rich” can mean different things to different people, but I believe it means having the financial freedom to achieve your goals and live the life you want. I am great at giving advice; I am not always so great at taking my own advice (know anyone like that?). So, when it came to helping my clients understand why they weren’t rich yet, the easy part was explaining the culprits, because I was all too familiar with most of them.

Regardless of our upbringing, education, profession or lifestyle, most of us are not where we want to be financially and our reasons are probably more similar than different. The good news is that it is never too late to become rich if you, like me, are ready to own up to the reasons you’re not and do something about it.

Want to know why you aren’t rich yet? Keep reading.

#1: You spend money like you’re already rich.

Sure, it feels good to buy expensive things, whether it’s a luxury car, designer clothes, a big house in the burbs, or a tropical vacation. Even if you don’t necessarily buy pricey items, if you consistently buy stuff you really don’t need, it still adds up fast ($300 trip to Target for toothpaste? AHEM). But the shopping high only lasts until the guilt and regret set in or the credit card bill arrives. Most of us are guilty of living beyond our means and using credit cards more than we should. The problem is that as long as we continue to spend more than we have, we can’t start building wealth. Chronic overspending and high-interest, revolving credit card debt are your worst enemies when it comes to financial success. Spend like you’re poor and you are much more likely to become rich.

Key words and Phrases

1.stumbling block 絆腳石2.different things to different people *介係詞to
3.live the life you want *動詞live,因為中文的關係很多人會用have
4.when it comes to 談到
5.culprit  罪犯
6.Regardless of 不管
7.upbringing 教養
8.own up 坦白(犯錯)
9.burbs 美國口語"suburbs"
10.pricey 貴的 *不要一直只用expensive
11.means 財產,財力
12.build wealth 累積財富 *使用動詞build

