
2013年7月29日 星期一

豬彈筆記 [EN] Former Yankee Matsui officially enters retirement

最近一有空就開始進行"心靈療癒"(吃喝玩樂?)的生活,非常羞愧地想起2週前大聲說每天都要跟外語親密接觸,後來又改口成週間,現在好像變成週間也有點困難,這是怎麼回事!!!!!!!最近發現舌頭常常打結,語言能力快速退化中呀~~~~~(難得我星期一精神挺好的)今天私心的來一篇松井秀喜從紐約洋基退休的文章(內附影片),松井一直是我非常喜歡的日本球員之一,當大家都穿著王40去看球賽的時候我可是穿著松井55在場邊吶喊呀!!!邪惡的洋基帝國糾甘心,還跟松井簽下一日合約,讓他在大聯盟的球場退休 ^^

Source:NY Yankees

At approximately 11:15 a.m. ET on Sunday, Hideki Matsui signed a one-day contract with the Yankees. One hour and 40 minutes later, the former star outfielder announced his retirement.Matsui signed his voluntary retirement papers in a pregame ceremony behind home plate, officially retiring as a member of the Yankees as the Yankee Stadium crowd stood and applauded.

 "I'd like to thank the Yankees organization, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me this opportunity," Matsui said through a translator. "I officially announced my retirement last year, but to be able to come back in this manner -- at the time, I never really imagined having this type of opportunity. "To become a member of the Yankees and retire as a Yankee, I'm just so humbled and honored."

The Yankees played a video tribute chronicling Matsui's career in the Bronx on the scoreboard before their game against the Rays, and Matsui got a standing ovation as he rode from center field to home plate in a golf cart and waved to the fans.Then, joined by Yankees general manager Brian Cashman, senior vice president and assistant GM Jean Afterman, and his parents, Masao and Saeko, and his brother, Matsui signed his retirement papers and was presented with a matted and framed No. 55 jersey.

Shortstop Derek Jeter presented Matsui with the jersey, then the entire Yankees team joined him behind home plate."I think this moment will be a moment I never forget," Matsui said. "To be able to retire as a member of the team I aspired to and looked up to, I think there's nothing more fulfilling than that."

Fans were lined up outside the stadium well before the gates opened. The first 18,000 guests in attendance received a bobblehead which featured Matsui holding his 2009 World Series MVP trophy."I think it will be a combination of nostalgia and joy when I see those fans wearing No. 55s," Matsui said. "I will also be kind of impressed by them, the fact that they never threw [my jersey] away after all this time."

The former Yomiuri Giants star played seven seasons for the Yankees from 2003-09, batting .292 with 140 home runs and 597 RBIs. Matsui made the All-Star team in 2003 and '04, and his streak of 518 straight games played remains the longest run to start a career in Major League history.

"He came here, he was supposed to be this 'Godzilla' that hits home runs, but he was a situational hitter. Matsui moved runners when he had to move them, he got big hits, he drove guys in, he wanted to play every day," Jeter said. "I enjoyed getting to know him throughout the years. He's always been one of my favorite teammates, and he always will be."

"Not only was he a middle-of-the-order hitter that had great production, he was a staple in the clubhouse. He was adored by his teammates," manager Joe Girardi said. "You're going to have a hard time finding a player that was more liked in our clubhouse than Hideki Matsui over the years."

Matsui played his last game for the Yankees on Nov. 4, 2009, hitting a home run and driving in a World Series-record-tying six runs in a Game 6 victory over the Phillies, sealing New York's championship. He was a unanimous pick for Series MVP."Hideki represents everything the Yankees aspire to be," Yankees general manager Brian Cashman said. "I'm wearing a ring on this finger, this particular ring -- the 2009 ring -- thanks to Hideki Matsui's efforts. That's one of the reasons we gravitated to him. We thought he could take us to that next level, and, not surprisingly, he did that in Japan and did that for us as well."

Matsui played three more years after leaving the Yankees following the 2009 season, playing one season each with the Angels and the A's before playing 34 games for the Rays last year. He finished his career with a .282 batting average, 175 home runs and 760 RBIs.
While he doesn't have any particular plans for what his future holds just yet, Matsui said his baseball experience will likely be put to good use.

Key words and Phrases
1.from the bottom of my heart 打從心裡
2.chronicle (v) 記錄,記述 (n)編年史,歷史
3.ovation 熱烈(鼓掌)歡迎
4.wave to 人 向人揮手  
5.aspire to 渴求
6.look up to 尊敬
7.middle-of-the-order hitter 中間棒次的打者
8. unanimous 無異議的
9.gravitate 吸引
10.not surprisingly 一點也不意外
11.will likely be put to good use  前後文意思在這邊表示,他會把他的經驗傳承下去

