
2013年7月29日 星期一

豬彈筆記 [EN] Former Yankee Matsui officially enters retirement

最近一有空就開始進行"心靈療癒"(吃喝玩樂?)的生活,非常羞愧地想起2週前大聲說每天都要跟外語親密接觸,後來又改口成週間,現在好像變成週間也有點困難,這是怎麼回事!!!!!!!最近發現舌頭常常打結,語言能力快速退化中呀~~~~~(難得我星期一精神挺好的)今天私心的來一篇松井秀喜從紐約洋基退休的文章(內附影片),松井一直是我非常喜歡的日本球員之一,當大家都穿著王40去看球賽的時候我可是穿著松井55在場邊吶喊呀!!!邪惡的洋基帝國糾甘心,還跟松井簽下一日合約,讓他在大聯盟的球場退休 ^^

Source:NY Yankees

At approximately 11:15 a.m. ET on Sunday, Hideki Matsui signed a one-day contract with the Yankees. One hour and 40 minutes later, the former star outfielder announced his retirement.Matsui signed his voluntary retirement papers in a pregame ceremony behind home plate, officially retiring as a member of the Yankees as the Yankee Stadium crowd stood and applauded.

2013年7月25日 星期四

豬彈筆記 [EN] Average smartphone prices fall by $75 in one year


Source:The Gadget Website

IDC released its report on the smartphone market, showing that the average selling price of smartphones have fallen from $450 at the start of 2012 to $375 at the start of this year.
The research company put the fall in the average selling price down to the influx of Chinese smartphone makers targeting emerging markets.

2013年7月23日 星期二

豬彈筆記 [EN] Kate Middleton and Prince William Welcome Royal Baby ... It's a Boy!

上班族通病已病入膏肓的我,症狀根本不只Monday blue,根本就是weekdays blue吧 @@" 還是來看一下提振精神的新聞吧!在我心中優雅知性又美麗的凱特王妃終於生啦!!!一直刻意不想知道寶寶性別的新手爸媽終於迎接他們第一個小孩,寶寶的性別可是讓英國媒體猜到要抓狂,結果是個小王子~題外話,我倒是希望伊莉莎白女王快點退位享清福,查爾斯王子都已經當了那~~~~~~麼久的王儲,也該讓他"升上去"了吧!話不多說,來看看這篇燒燙燙的新聞,因為文章也很長,所以就節錄一半嚕!

Source:Yahoo! News

It's a prince! On Monday, the world welcomed the newest addition to the royal family and the future heir to England's throne. Palace officials confirmed the arrival of His Royal Highness the Prince of Cambridge, born at St. Mary's Hospital at 4:24 p.m. BST, and weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz..

2013年7月22日 星期一

豬彈筆記 [EN] Should Humans Eat Meat?



Source: Scienctific American

There is no doubt that human evolution has been linked to meat in many fundamental ways. Our digestive tract is not one of obligatory herbivores; our enzymes evolved to digest meat whose consumption aided higher encephalization and better physical growth. 

2013年7月19日 星期五

豬彈筆記 [EN] Punishments in military scandal may be related to infighting for promotion




There is growing speculation that the corporal’s death may be exposing severe infighting within the military. A senior military analyst said that the way the military has handed down punishments for the incident reveals the fierce battle raging for the position of chief of the general staff. 

2013年7月18日 星期四

豬彈筆記 [EN] Yahoo profit rises, but sales are stagnant

今天的文章是關於Yahoo近況的報導,當初Marissa Mayer這個女強人接任CEO的時候讓我眼睛為之一亮(我可能有點女強人崇拜症 @@) 雖然公司整體表現勉強過關,但是她的大刀闊斧以及對於新事業新領域的大膽嘗試還是令人稱許,不過卻也讓人有點擔心,這樣會不會跟海龍王一樣管太寬呀~我覺得像Google這樣選定幾個重點,像Google Maps在市場根本就是橫著走!

Source:CNN Money

A string of acquisitions and corporate changes haven't yet rekindled Yahoo's advertising business.

Yahoo on Tuesday reported quarterly sales that fell slightly short of both Wall Street's expectations and its own results from a year ago. Excluding revenue shared with advertising partners, Yahoo's sales came up just shy of $1.1 billion for the quarter ended June 30, down about 1% from last year. Sales for Yahoo's display advertising (banners and video ads) business dropped 11%.

2013年7月17日 星期三

豬彈筆記 [醫療] 拇指外翻手術3:人客啊~現量豬腳賣完就沒了(內含沒有馬賽克的腳!)


拇指外翻手術2:手術come on


豬彈筆記 [EN] Typhoon Soulik soaks Taiwan, hits mainland China


為了提升荒廢已久(!!!!!)的英文能力,從今天開始偶發"英文我愛你 親密接觸計畫",由酷愛在網路上看莫名其妙英文新聞的豬彈率先開始,盡量選擇日常相關的新聞,從看似簡單但是藏著一些好用單字片語的小文章開始~~其實在跟外國人講英文的時候,要是可以把握簡單而精準的動詞,會讓語意表達得更完整,也才可以避免用落落長的一句話來講一件簡單的事情 :)


Hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated Saturday along China's southeastern coast as Typhoon Soulik struck, where the storm was expected to bring strong winds and heavy rain.Upwards of 305,000 people left their homes in eastern China's Fujian province, according to state-run China Daily, citing the provincial flood control headquarters.

2013年7月9日 星期二

豬彈食記 [台北市] Kick Cafe~公館美式風格 機車文化不機車

可惜豬西還在閉關中我只好出來補血一下 T____T