
2013年7月18日 星期四

豬彈筆記 [EN] Yahoo profit rises, but sales are stagnant

今天的文章是關於Yahoo近況的報導,當初Marissa Mayer這個女強人接任CEO的時候讓我眼睛為之一亮(我可能有點女強人崇拜症 @@) 雖然公司整體表現勉強過關,但是她的大刀闊斧以及對於新事業新領域的大膽嘗試還是令人稱許,不過卻也讓人有點擔心,這樣會不會跟海龍王一樣管太寬呀~我覺得像Google這樣選定幾個重點,像Google Maps在市場根本就是橫著走!

Source:CNN Money

A string of acquisitions and corporate changes haven't yet rekindled Yahoo's advertising business.

Yahoo on Tuesday reported quarterly sales that fell slightly short of both Wall Street's expectations and its own results from a year ago. Excluding revenue shared with advertising partners, Yahoo's sales came up just shy of $1.1 billion for the quarter ended June 30, down about 1% from last year. Sales for Yahoo's display advertising (banners and video ads) business dropped 11%.

Yahoo's core profit for the quarter, excluding stock-based compensation and some one-time expenses, rose to $331 million, up 46% compared to last year. Excluding some expenses, Yahoo earned 35 cents per share, beating the 30 cents per share consensus forecast of analysts polled by Thomson Reuters.

"I'm encouraged by Yahoo's performance," Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer said in a written statement. "Our business saw continued stability, and we launched more products than ever before, introducing a significant new product almost every week."

Though display ads continued their downward trend, the company said it believes that core business will soon be resuscitated. Mayer noted that Yahoo's page views are rising again after more than a year of declines. Visits to Yahoo were up in June -- the first month page views grew year-over-year in 2013. And revenue from search ads fared better than the display advertisements, growing 5% year-over-year and reaching $404 million.

That resurrection in page views is partially due to recently refreshed versions of Yahoo mail, weather, sports, news and Flickr -- both on the desktop and on mobile."Yahoo's future is mobile and we're delivering our products mobile first," Mayer said on a conference call with analysts.

The revamped Yahoo mail app for tablets, for instance, brought a 120% increase in daily active Yahoo mail users. Flickr's redesign and offer of 1 terabyte of free space for each user lifted daily photo uploads by a factor of three, Mayer said.
This week marks the one-year anniversary for Yahoo with Mayer at the helm. The Sunnyvale, Calif.-based company has acquired 16 startups, nine of which were purchased in the last quarter including its largest buy, Tumblr. Yahoo expects that acquisition to grow its audience to more than 1 billion monthly visitors.

Key words and Phrases
3.fell slightly:微幅下跌
5.saw continued stability:~走穩(很多人常用keep,卻忘了continue更能表現持續的狀態)
6. resuscitate:使恢復
7.Visits to Yahoo were up in June: visits當名詞使用表示點擊網頁的次數,up當動詞是"提高增加"的意思,但多用在口語說法
9 at the helm:擔任領導人,掌權 *helm:船舵,組織的領導地位
10.grow its audience *動詞的使用

